Monday, May 17, 2010

Some background about your lovely author

I have decided to start this blog after countless HORRIFIC dating experiences. All of my friends find my stories hilarious... as do I. Good thing I have a good sense of humor or I would have killed myself a long time ago.
About me... I am a 25 year old female. I have a sweet ride, a sweet apartment, and good style... all funded by yours truly. This curvy chick has a masters degree and two jobs. I am a hard working girl... but I always make time to date! (Although I am wondering why the hell I am!)
I have been online dating for years now. I met my one very serious boyfriend online... one of those message board sites where... you know... a certain KILLER met females (they can't all be murders can they?!). We will call him Fabio. Well Fabio and I were set to be married! Crazy huh? We dated almost two years... he told me he loved me within the first three dates, we discussed our children's names, and he actually went engagement ring shopping for me twice with my two best friends. Low and behold, all of a sudden I'm DUMPED and within a week, some low class, cheaper model of me (although slightly thinner) is appearing in all of his pictures with him online and what do you know?! they are visiting his family in Virginia that I never met. Hallelujah!
A couple months after me and that douchelord broke up, I went on several unsucessful online dates and met the anti-Fabio... a hard working smart lawyer who owned his own house (and didn't live with his parents and have his mother do his laundry like fabio did). Since he was half black, naturally I stereotyped him and assumed he would love my fat ass. Low and behold, several months into our dating he tells me he "would prefer a thinner girlfriend" and naturally.... that was the end of that relationship!
Since him, I have been going out on countless internet dates. A friend of mine, Jen, said that if it weren't for online dating, fat girls would never date. She is right! I have never been asked for my phone number out. Me and my friend Stephanie have decided to go out every weekend and try to "snag mates". These experiences will also be documented here.
I joined a paying dating site where I am "matched"... let's just say... it's the site that is responsible for more marriages than any other... well all of my "matches" want a girl who is "slim and slender" or "athletic and toned". See if I give them my credit card for a second installment!
Hope you enjoyed the brief introduction. I imagine this blog will continue for years to come....

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